Writing, writing, writing...

Writing, writing, writing...
Rabid Ink:
It's difficult to name a blog. I arrived at the title "Rabid Ink" after carefully considering the influence that writing and the written word have in and on my life. I am a writer, reader, student, and teacher. I worked for several years as a freelance writer before returning to college and I am currently working toward earning my Ph.D. in English literature. Some dictionaries define the word 'rabid' as "extremely zealous or enthusiastic," or "unrestrained enthusiasm." A few describe 'rabidity' as "raging, uncontrollable, madness." Of course, rabidity is also associated with contagion and invasiveness.

My relationship with the written word might be characterized by any of these descriptions. My readings or writings can become all-consuming. They can devour my time, infect me with myriad emotions, and rage with what might seem to the uninitiated as an uncontrollable madness. This blog is inspired by the rabid essence of the text, of the ink on the page, of my experiences reading, writing, and pursuing scholarship.

In the "archive" column, I have included some material from a previous blog that delt primarily with writing. While these archived posts are older, I dusted off those I found most interesting or worth recalling and placed them here. If you read them, please forgive any redundancies or blemishes. My writing has evolved since the time of these musings, along with some of my interests.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Invasion of the "What if's"

Here I sit. Keyboard literally in hand... poised to bash my head into my computer monitor. I've had the same blank page in my "Word" program staring me down for about an hour. I had every intention of continuing my novel length work-in-progress (A.k.a wip) from my most recent stopping point. Actually, I ended a chapter and undecided on the direction I want to go, I opted to line edit and execute minor rewrites on all the chapters that led to this point. It was a good idea. Took a few days. Got a lot done.

It was a good idea... or at least, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I realize that in taking that pause rather than working through the stopping point, I failed to address the issue of direction. I didn't solve my dilemma rather, I sought to avoid it for as long as possible.

So now I'm left wondering why I allowed myself to duck for cover behind line edits. What stopped me. What made the end of this chapter a stopping point. Why was I so willing to pull away?

Could it be that my story really has no where to go? Is it dead? No, in fact I'm sure it is not. This story has taken on a life of it's own. It feels almost sentient to me. The characters breath and think and feel; they are perfect and flawed and in the world I've created in my wip, they are real. Okay, so the story isn't dead. So what's the problem?

Clearly, I'm at a transitive crossroads in my story. I could go in any one of several directions. But how to choose? What if I make the wrong choice? What if the idea sucks? What if...

What if I had sat down in my plot outline and ironed out my plot objectives rather than excuse myself by hiding in edits? Then perhaps I would not have found myself staring blankly at a blank Word document. I let the fear of the "What if's" distract me to the point of inaction. Duh! Didn't I see it coming?

Of course I did! I knew I was avoiding tough choices. I knew, I knew and I know better. I could kick myself for allowing the "What if's" to get to me. Plot transition needs to be addressed rather than avoided. Ugh. There is probably nothing as frustrating as being the cause of your own frustration.

Now I need to dig in and push through my own insecurities, so my wip can continue on it's intended path. And it has an intended path - I just need to figure out the twists and turns along the way.

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